Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Shortage of Doctors : Any Solution ?

 My friend Kalpana Desai asked :

“The proportion of doctor to population is very low...specially in rural India....can u share your views regarding this and a viable solution so all may benefit and make the world a better place for all. “

Before suggesting a solution , let us study following data :

( A )   Number of Medical Colleges in India

Ø  Total No ……… 706 ……… having……  108,940  seats

Ø  Private ………… 365 ……. having ……  52,193    seats ….  (  Fee  >  Rs  10-25 lakh / year )

Ø  Govt ……………  350 …..  having…..     56,748    seats ….  (  Fee  >  Rs  1 – 3 lakh  / year )


( B )    Number of Hospitals

Ø  Government …………….. 25,778

Ø  Private ……………………….43,486 ( only Allopathic )


( C )   Number of Doctors

Country Name

Doctors per 1,000 Population















United Kingdom


United States






( D )    Number of Students appearing in NEET exam :

· Year

· No. of Candidates Appeared

· Percentile Requirement

· Candidates Met Requirement

· Candidates Failed Requirement

·          2021

·          16,14,777

·          50th (General) / 40th (Others)

·          ~8,70,074

·          ~7,44,703

·          2022

·          18,72,343

·          50th (General) / 40th (Others)

·          ~9,93,069

·          ~8,79,274

·          2023

·          20,38,596

·          50th (General) / 40th (Others)

·          ~11,45,976

·          ~8,92,620

·          2024*

·          24,00,000

·          50th (General) / 40th (Others)

·          ~13,20,000

·          ~10,80,000

Despite domestic push in Budget 2025, medical students likely to stick to studying abroad

( Eco Times / 6 Feb 2025 )

Dear Shri J P Naddaji

( Health Minister / jpnadda@gmail.com / min-hfm@gov.in / jp.nadda@sansad.nic.in )

In her budget speech last week, Smt Sitharamanji announced that the Govt will add 10,000 additional seats ( presumably in Govt Medical colleges where annual tuition fees are Rs 10,000 / - as against Rs 1 CRORE , for 4 year MBBS degree course , in Private colleges ) . Over the next 5 years , Govt plans to add 75,000 new seats

Even if this bold plan were to materialize , it comes no-where near the demand for seats considering that in NEET-UG 2025 exam , some 25 lakh students are expected to appear

Among many things that could be – and should be – tried , one is :

Creation of a VIRTUAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY , where aspiring students can attend lectures from their homes

This could have many formats such as :

Ø  A dedicated TV Channel ( or several TV Channels , for each stream of specialization, Eg : Dentistry – Ophthalmology – Pathology – Nursing etc )

Ø  Several YouTube Video Channels ( different as above )

Ø  Several Web Portals – each dedicated to a given specialization

Ø  Many Mobile Apps

Ø  “ AR – VR – AI “ Eye Glasses-based learning of PRACTICALS ( including Surgical Procedures , LIVE STREAMED from each and every OPERATION THEATRE from each and every HOSPITAL ). By appropriate Govt-level tie-ups , such LIVE STREAMING ( accompanied by an highly experienced Medical Doctor – Professional explaining each step of the procedure ) , would substitute the shortage of Medical Hospitals / Colleges. Registered examinees / students will login with Password and Facial Recognition . Initially , students will learn to perform simple “ Surgical Procedures “ using their AR-VR-AI enabled Eye-glasses. Using same devices, they will give exams. Gradually – and under supervision of Expert Surgeons, they will be allowed to perform “ Remote Surgeries “ ( gradually from simple to complex ), using ROBOTS

Ø   Exams of students will also be conducted in HYBRID METHOD for NEET as recommended by Radhakrishnan Committee and already implemented at > https://www.my-teacher.in/test-basic-details-form . Just like MCSE ( Microsoft Certified Software Engineer ) certificate , a registered student can appear on such ONLINE exams whenever she is ready

Ø  In all of the above-mentioned ALTERNATIVES , Artificial Intelligence will be playing a CENTRAL ROLE in terms of :

#  Syllabus / Curriculum development

#  Pedagogy

#  Exam Generation and Testing / Candidate Assessment

#   Certification / Registration

Ø  “ Virtual Medical University “ eco-system will have dynamic access to the Medical History database of all the persons registered under Ayushman Bharat Scheme ( currently approx.. 40 crore persons ). This “ database “ will be used for “ training “ of MEDICAL AI AGENT

Ø  In addition to this, over a period of next 5 years, MEDICAL AI AGENT will train itself by being “ internet connected “ with all the Health Monitoring Devices , as envisaged in my following blog / email :

# https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2017/07/2024-v-20-of-orwellian-1984.html . 7 July 2017

Extract :

There are 7,000 million people on the earth It is possible that , at any given time , some 7 million of these are lying in ICU , connected with : Electroencephalogram ( Brain Monitor ) Electrocardiogram      ( Heart Monitor ) Pulse Rate Meter Oxygen Level Meter Glucose Level Meter........etc As soon as these instruments get embedded with Internet of Things ( IoT ), a central server could collect all of these " measurements / readings " on 247 basis , for all 7 million persons  Then it will combine these readings with following data about each of those 7 million persons : Country / Region / City  /  Language Race /  Religion  /  Gender /  Age Height /  Weight  /  Colour  /  Biometrics Blood Group / DNA  / Past Medical History.....etc It will also record , who died / when  ! Using such massive data base, can BIG DATA / Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning , figure out what " Customized healthcare / Medical treatment / Supplementary diet " should be " prescribed " for each human on this earth ? Shall we support such " Invasion of Individual Privacy " , in the larger interest / benefit of entire mankind ? I think , we should


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.My-Teacher.in /  06 Feb 2025

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