NEOR : as envisaged
Here is a comparison made by ChatGPT :
Here is a tabulated comparison of the salient features of NEOR (extract from
"Coming soon: A jailbird-like code to identify economic offenders") and E-
Governance (extract from "Can e-Governance help eliminate corruption?"):
Salient Features / NEOR (May 2023) / E-Governance (April 2014)
Identify economic offenders through a unique alpha-numeric code
Eliminate corruption and streamline governance
Target Entities
Companies and individuals involved in economic offenses
Central and state agencies fighting fraud, corruption, and economic crimes
Coding System
Unique Economic Offender Code linked to PAN (for companies) and Aadhaar (for individuals)
National Economic Offences Records (NEOR) for storing information on economic offenders
Individual departmental databases for each agency
Information Sharing
Enable simultaneous investigation and information sharing among all economic law enforcing agencies
Lack of a common/computerized database leads to duplication of efforts and fragmented profiles
Accessible to all Union and state-level investigative agencies
Limited accessibility and sharing of information between agencies
Estimated cost of around Rs 40 crore
Expected to be ready in the next five months or so (May 2023)
Efficient investigation and prosecution of economic offenses, including money laundering
Fighting fraud, corruption, and economic crimes
International Cooperation
Expected visit by an intergovernmental team from the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force to review progress
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