Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Dear Principal :

 Sub :  Are your students ready for New NEET ?

In case you did not read today’s Economic Times following news report tells us about the New NEET :

“ Panel Moots DigiExam, CBT for NEET-UG, other tests “  [   Report published on   17 Dec 2024   ]

ET ( Print Edition )  …  18 Dec 2012

Extract :

( A ) THE TEST :

Ø  For exams involving over 2 lakh participants, multi-session testing format spread over days

Ø  Multi-Stage Testing for NEET-UG a viable possibility

Ø  Panel calls for rationalization of multiple subject streams in CUET

Ø  Testing Centre allocation policy recommended

Ø  “ Strange “ patterns of choice should be detected through data analytics


Ø  Mobile Testing Centers – possibly in a bus with seating capacity for 40/50 , mooted for remote rural areas

Ø  An acceptable framework with thresholds and test objectives of scoring-ranking at each stage and number of attempts for NEET-UG


Ø  Encrypted question papers to be delivered to confidential servers at Testing Centres

Ø  High speed Printers at Testing Centres

Ø  Question Papers distributed in PPT format

Ø  Creation of Test Centres in every District

Ø  DigiYatra-type DigiExam format for candidate authentication

Ø  An oversight mechanism for Coaching Centers

Ø  “ Election Style “ coordination with State Governments for conducting high stake exams


Dear Principal :

Should you want to know :

Ø  How precisely the proposed “ Hybrid CBT / Pen-Paper “ model will work

Ø  How your students can “ Get Ready “ to face this new model ( for NEET-JEE-CET ) ,

-          then just look up my following email of 09th Dec 2024 , to our Education Minister , Shri Pradhan :

Thank You , Shri Pradhan : Hybrid Model is already here

How will “ Mock Tests “  on www.My-Teacher.in, prepare your students ?

Ø  It is totally FREE for unlimited use ; Need no registration or Login

Ø  No need to download – just type www.My-Teacher.in , on Mobile

Ø  Mock Tests can be generated in 7 languages ( 26 languages by month-end )

Ø  Mock Tests generate 10 MCQ paper , having 4 options for each question

Ø  Our software generates 294 QUINTILLION , unique papers ( no chance for copy )

But how will your students experience that  “ Hybrid “ model ?

www.My-Teacher.in enables your Teachers to :

Ø  Generate MCQ Question Papers from their Mobile / PC ( for NEET-JEE-CET )

Ø  Teachers can decide to deliver paper to Students in ONLINE or OFFLINE mode

Ø  In OFFLINE mode, question paper can be e-mailed to any person through E-Mail

Ø  In your school, you could generate paper in your office and email it to a Teacher in her Class-room ( having a small Printer costing approx., Rs 10,000 )

Ø  Teacher will print out ( say ) 40 copies and distribute among students

Ø  At the end of duration, Teacher will collect Question-cum- Answer papers

Dear Principal :

I urge you not to wait for Shri Pradhan’s directive ( need to strengthen school education system  )

It is time for you to become “ PRO-ACTIVE “ by exploiting the unmatched / unparalled capabilities of www.My-Teacher.in , to implement the HY-BRID model

Then write to Shri Pradhan

[ d.pradhan@sansad.nic.in / minister.sm@gov.in ]

-          that your school has already implemented the HyBrid Model and your students are ready for the new format of NEET – JEE – CET

with regards,

Hemen Parekh


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