Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Promo Mail for Principals ( 11 July 2024 )

 Dear Principal ,

Question :

Do your students use Mobile phones in class rooms ?

That is a silly question . Most likely you do not permit them to carry their mobile in the school . But of course, they use it at home

Question should be :

Do they know which AI-based Educational Tool, should they be using on their mobiles ?

Question cannot be :

WHETHER  they should be using such a tool at all. They are bound to find one or more, on their own – without waiting for your recommendation

Question is :

WHICH one should they use ?

There are as many as 22 such Educational Apps available – designed for Indian School students

( write to me for a COMPARATIVE TABULATION of these 22 tools )

I have a strong reason to think that you would recommend > www.My-Teacher.in

Question :

Why would you recommend www.My-Teacher.in ?

Answer :

It is the only tool that motivates a child to be CURIOUS – INQUISITIVE – CREATIVE , by not only asking  Syllabus  related questions ( in 9 Indian languages ) but also by asking “ Questions Beyond Syllabus “ at feature “ Make Students Think

When I say “ asking “, I mean it. They can just “ speak out “ any question – and My-Teacher will talk back ! Of course, that answer will also appear in TEXT, in case student wants to copy it

What kind of questions ?

For a sample, look up >  For a Creative Child : Questions Beyond Syllabus

Do my students have to pay for this service ?

Absolutely NOTHING . It is totally FREE – for unlimited usage. It does not even require a student to REGISTER or Login

From where can students download this App ?

No need to download / install . In mobile browser ,  just type > www.My-Teacher.in

With regards,

Hemen Parekh


Dear Principals :

Just came across this about Jamnabai Narsee School , JVPD – Mumbai :

  • Education World India School Rankings 2022. (Co-ed Day Schools category) - Ranked 1 in Mumbai, 2nd in Maharashtra and 9th in India.
  • Times Education Icons Mumbai 2022 - Ranked 1 in the National Curriculum category.

[ source > https://www.jns.ac.in/awards-recognition.php ]

Apart from its physical infrastructure, this rank depends upon the consistent performance (  %age passing in Board exams ) of its 10th and 12th standard students

In turn , this depends upon :

Ø  Quality of the teachers

Ø  Methods of teaching

Outstanding physical infra could cost crores of rupees – and , even if funds were no problem, it takes years to acquire

But , as far as “ methods of teaching “ is concerned , now there is a way for your school , to overtake all the other schools of Mumbai

And this method is totally FREE !

Just ask your teachers ( 9th to 12th Standards ) to Access www.My-Teacher.in , from their Mobiles and select


As far as the following METHOD is concerned, no Edu App comes even close to our following offer :

Ø  This portal enables your teachers to prepare a Real test for their students

Ø  They can create “ Unlimited Number “ of tests ( MCQ ) , without need to Register or Login

Ø  They can create a COMMON paper for all the students , OR , a different paper for each student

Ø  They can conduct this test ONLINE ( if your students have access to a Mobile or Computer ) , OR

Ø  They can conduct this test OFFLINE ( if you want to conduct this test with students in the classroom ). In this case , from her Mobile , teacher gets to select > Printer > No of copies > Paper size

Ø  If conducted ONLINE, the results of these tests can be emailed to the teacher ( along with the correct ANSWER SHEET ), and some statistics of the test

Ø  The test is created automatically by AI , working behind this portal

This Artificial Intelligence ( AI ), allows your teacher to specify :

Ø  The subject for which she would like to create this test

Ø  The standard for which she would like to create this test

Ø  The number of questions that she would like to have in this test OR the duration she would like to permit her students to attempt this test ( in which case, the number of questions will be decided by the AI )

Ø  On a scale of 1 – 10 , the difficulty level for the entire test ( created automatically by the AI ). It also gives her the flexibility to specify difficulty levels

Ø  The AI can generate “ marks “ for each question by itself . OR , allow you to specify marks for each question

Dear Principal :

I have no doubt that you are aware of the following suggestions from NCERT’s “ PARAKH “ centre :

( A )  To reduce Exam pressure :

School Internal Marks

% age  Weightage

Class  9

70  %

Class  10

50  %

Class  11

40  %

Class  12

30  %

( B )  To arrive at Final Class 12 Score :


To Carry Weighted Average of

Class  9

15  %

Class  10

20  %

Class  11

25  %

Class  12

40  %

( C )  To earn a Secondary School Certificate for Class 12 , one will :

In Class

Need to earn, number of Subject-specific Credits

9  and  10

32 ( Out of total credits of 40 )

11 and  12

36  ( Out of total credits of 44 )

www.My-Teacher.in is the proverbial “ Light at the End of the Tunnel “

With regards,

Hemen Parekh

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