Dear Principal ,
Question :
Do your students use Mobile phones in class rooms ?
That is a silly question . Most likely you do not permit them to carry their mobile in the school . But of course, they use it at home
Question should be :
Do they know which AI-based Educational Tool, should they be using on their mobiles ?
Question cannot be :
WHETHER they should be using such a tool at all. They are bound to find one or more, on their own – without waiting for your recommendation
Question is :
WHICH one should they use ?
There are as many as 22 such Educational Apps available – designed for Indian School students
( write to me for a COMPARATIVE TABULATION of these 22 tools )
I have a strong reason to think that you would recommend >
Question :
Why would you recommend ?
Answer :
It is the only tool that motivates a child to be CURIOUS – INQUISITIVE – CREATIVE , by not only asking Syllabus related questions ( in 9 Indian languages ) but also by asking “ Questions Beyond Syllabus “ at feature “ Make Students Think “
When I say “ asking “, I mean it. They can just “ speak out “ any question – and My-Teacher will talk back ! Of course, that answer will also appear in TEXT, in case student wants to copy it
What kind of questions ?
For a sample, look up > For a Creative Child : Questions Beyond Syllabus
Do my students have to pay for this service ?
Absolutely NOTHING . It is totally FREE – for unlimited usage. It does not even require a student to REGISTER or Login
From where can students download this App ?
No need to download / install . In mobile browser , just type >
With regards,
Hemen Parekh
Dear Principals :
Just came across this about Jamnabai Narsee School , JVPD – Mumbai :
- Education World India School Rankings 2022. (Co-ed Day Schools category) - Ranked 1 in Mumbai, 2nd in Maharashtra and 9th in India.
- Times Education Icons Mumbai 2022 - Ranked 1 in the National Curriculum category.
[ source > ]
Apart from its physical infrastructure, this rank depends upon the consistent performance ( %age passing in Board exams ) of its 10th and 12th standard students
In turn , this depends upon :
Ø Quality of the teachers
Ø Methods of teaching
Outstanding physical infra could cost crores of rupees – and , even if funds were no problem, it takes years to acquire
But , as far as “ methods of teaching “ is concerned , now there is a way for your school , to overtake all the other schools of Mumbai
And this method is totally FREE !
Just ask your teachers ( 9th to 12th Standards ) to Access , from their Mobiles and select
As far as the following METHOD is concerned, no Edu App comes even close to our following offer :
Ø This portal enables your teachers to prepare a Real test for their students
Ø They can create “ Unlimited Number “ of tests ( MCQ ) , without need to Register or Login
Ø They can create a COMMON paper for all the students , OR , a different paper for each student
Ø They can conduct this test ONLINE ( if your students have access to a Mobile or Computer ) , OR
Ø They can conduct this test OFFLINE ( if you want to conduct this test with students in the classroom ). In this case , from her Mobile , teacher gets to select > Printer > No of copies > Paper size
Ø If conducted ONLINE, the results of these tests can be emailed to the teacher ( along with the correct ANSWER SHEET ), and some statistics of the test
Ø The test is created automatically by AI , working behind this portal
This Artificial Intelligence ( AI ), allows your teacher to specify :
Ø The subject for which she would like to create this test
Ø The standard for which she would like to create this test
Ø The number of questions that she would like to have in this test OR the duration she would like to permit her students to attempt this test ( in which case, the number of questions will be decided by the AI )
Ø On a scale of 1 – 10 , the difficulty level for the entire test ( created automatically by the AI ). It also gives her the flexibility to specify difficulty levels
Ø The AI can generate “ marks “ for each question by itself . OR , allow you to specify marks for each question
Dear Principal :
I have no doubt that you are aware of the following suggestions from NCERT’s “ PARAKH “ centre :
( A ) To reduce Exam pressure :
School Internal Marks
% age Weightage
Class 9
70 %
Class 10
50 %
Class 11
40 %
Class 12
30 %
( B ) To arrive at Final Class 12 Score :
To Carry Weighted Average of
Class 9
15 %
Class 10
20 %
Class 11
25 %
Class 12
40 %
( C ) To earn a Secondary School Certificate for Class 12 , one will :
In Class
Need to earn, number of Subject-specific Credits
9 and 10
32 ( Out of total credits of 40 )
11 and 12
36 ( Out of total credits of 44 ) is the proverbial “ Light at the End of the Tunnel “
With regards,
Hemen Parekh
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