Congratulations , Aditya Swamy Aditya, At the outset, congratulations on the launch of Street ViewAbout this feature, Hindustan Times ( 28 July ) reported following : # 15 YEARS to develop this functionality # 220 billion street view images collected # 100 + countries and territories data collected from There is no mention of the Number of Vehicles equipped with roof mounted cameras, and the number of kilometres these vehicles had to travel Obviously, this gigantic project must have cost Google, billions of dollars How about getting 400 billion street views in 1 YEAR ? and at insignificant cost ? Here is how : # Miniaturize that ( vehicle mounted ) camera # Integrate such miniaturized cameras in the next version of Google Glass # Give away Google Glasses FREE to poor people all around theWorld # For every hour these poor people walk around their respective towns , capturing Street Views , pay them ($ 1 per hour of Video Upload onto Google Server, time stamped and with person wearing also recording in His / her voice , details of what he / she sees ) Since my past e-mails to Sundar Pichai seems to have landed in his SPAM folder, I request you to forward my above suggestion to him ========================================